September 8, 2024

We need to treat medical conditions. If you suffer from cancer, you may need to look into radiation therapy in Singapore. Radiotherapy is a form of treatment that uses intense light beams (radiation). They can kill your malignant tumours and stop their progress

In many cases,radiotherapy can be lifesaving. Look up the radiotherapy cost in Singapore, and it might be steep. But it can be the only thing standing between you and a spiralling path towards worsening symptoms.

Have you chosen to undergo radiation therapy yet? Also, are you aware of the various side effects of the therapy? Prepare for what is in store for your sessions. Here are some of the things you need to watch out for.

1. You experience immense fatigue.

You may feel more sluggish and tired than normal after your treatment. After getting radiation therapy, try to schedule resting times and important activities.

2. You experience hair loss.

Hair loss is one of the most well-known effects of radiation therapy.  A radiation doctor in Singapore will tell you to be careful about the hair care products you use because they can be damaged easily.

3. You experience changes to your skin.

People who take radiation therapy might discover that their skin may now react to certain elements differently. You may experience dryness, itchiness, swelling, and more.

4. You experience loss of appetite or changes to eating habits.

Talk to a radiation oncologist in Singapore about what you might expect after your treatment regarding eating habits. You can find yourself having a harder time eating due to this. Don’t be afraid to call a doctor about your eating habits.

Important medical treatments need to be handled by qualified professionals concerned about your condition. See Dr Johann Tang in Mount Elizabeth, a radiation doctor, for more information about their treatments.