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4 Types of Hearing Loss in Patients in Singapore & Abroad

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, at any age, not just those living their golden years. A few hearing solutions are available in Singapore and overseas to address these issues. However, it is crucial to determine the root cause before applying any solution. Here are the four types of hearing loss a person can develop.

#1 Sensorineural

A person with permanent issues in the inner ear (cochlea) or acoustic nerve has sensorineural hearing issues. Exposure to loud noises, illness, ototoxic medications, genetics, or ageing can cause this. Treatments include getting cochlear implants or hearing aids from a specialist clinic in Singapore.

#2 Conductive

Conductive hearing loss is when something inhibits sound from travelling through the outer or middle ear and into the inner ear. It can happen when earwax or fluid accumulates in the ear canal or when there is damage to parts of the ears. Possible treatments that a hearing clinic in Singapore or abroad offers include surgery to address structural defects, a procedure to eliminate blockages or the use of a hearing aid.

#3 Mixed or Combined

Both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss can present in a patient in Singapore or abroad in some instances. It is called a mixed hearing loss and affects both the inner and outer or middle ear. Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the hearing loss, but it may require hearing aids and cochlear implants in addition to surgery.

#4 Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

People with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder appear to have normal hearing sensitivity. However, they fail to interpret spoken words. A hearing aid or cochlear implant with a hearing-assistive technology (HAT) system can help alleviate this hearing loss in some circumstances. More extreme cases of this hearing loss in patients in Singapore and abroad may require the use of sign language.

The Hearing Solutions Group strives to deliver high-quality care to people in need. You can bring your loved ones to their clinic if you believe they are experiencing hearing impairment or loss. Patients can also get hearing aid accessories at their clinic. Learn more about them by visiting their website.

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