Besides brushing and flossing, according to general dentistry, you can do a few other things to prevent plaque, cavities, and tooth decay. Below are a few additional things you can do for preventative care.
Use Sugar-Free Gum
The acid that remains in your mouth after eating causes tooth decay and discomfort because it breaks down the enamel of your teeth. After eating, chewing sugar-free gum can help you avoid acid erosion by clearing your mouth of leftover food and stimulating saliva production. Saliva removes debris and supplies minerals like calcium and phosphate, fortifying teeth. These benefits are realized after only 20 minutes of chewing the gum.
Incorporate Cheese
You can keep your teeth and gums healthy with the help of cheese and other dairy products. Cheese is an excellent source of the three essential elements for healthy teeth—phosphorus, calcium, and casein. They work together to form a protein layer over the enamel of your teeth, protecting them from decay. Cheese, like sugar-free gum, helps keep your mouth clean and your acid levels in check by encouraging saliva production. Cheese is good for your teeth, so sprinkle some on your salad or slice some for your sandwich.
Eat A Lot Of Fiber-Rich Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables high in fiber, like raspberries and artichokes, can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Their inherent sugars and starches promote saliva production, which neutralizes the acid and enzymes that cause tooth decay and protects teeth. These meals also help replenish nutrients in your teeth that may have been lost due to wear and tear and keep your mouth clean.
The polyphenols in black and green teas are potent antioxidants that improve oral health. Teetotalers have cleaner, stronger, and less cavity-prone teeth, and better breath because less plaque builds up on their teeth. Consuming green or black tea has been shown to reduce the risk of developing mouth cancer. If you want to keep your teeth from becoming yellow from tea, brush or rinse your mouth after drinking it.
Supplements Usage
Vitamin D and calcium, just like with bones, help maintain tooth health. Taking the recommended amount helps keep healthy teeth and reduces the risk of tooth decay.
Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash
When bacteria on and around teeth are killed or prevented from growing, we say mouthwash is antimicrobial. Plaque is a thin coating of germs that accumulates on your teeth, and it can lead to deterioration if you do not remove it twice a day. Using mouthwash regularly is another way to maintain good breath. Find one approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) mark of acceptance.
Break These Unhealthy Routines
If you want to preserve your teeth’s health, you should also avoid eating and drinking things that can harm them. Just because something is not sweet does not make it safe to eat. Sour candies are harmful to teeth because of their low PH.
Diet soft drinks are very acidic, which makes enamel vulnerable to deterioration. While enamel is the body’s toughest component, it can still chip and crack and will not grow back if you open items with your teeth. If you have questions or concerns you can contact your local dentist.