Have Tinnitus or ringing in the ears? Did someone tell you that Vicks Vaporub can ease your Tinnitus? Before you start rubbing away Vicks in your ears or nose, let’s first understand if Vicks can help or not.
First of all, and this is very important – Do not rub or apply Vicks Vaporub inside of your ears. Vicks are not meant for the ears and may cause a lot of damage that can lead to infections and clogged hearing. You will almost always have to visit the doctor if you apply Vicks Vaporub into your ears.
Vicks should only be applied at the entrance of your nostrils. In other words, you shouldn’t apply it directly into your nose either. The idea behind rubbing Vicks on the passageway that leads into your nose is to allow you to inhale the active ingredients that are found in Vicks. Every time you breathe in, you will inhale some of the active ingredients that will then give you relief. That now brings us to the topic of how Vicks Vaporub can help relieve you of Tinnitus.
To understand this, you must first understand that your nose and ears are connected. There’s a small tube called the Eustachian tube that runs from behind your nose to your ears. This tube is usually filled with air. The function of this tube is to ensure that your ears have the same air pressure as the atmospheric pressure outside your body. In other words, it acts as a regulatory mechanism that keeps your ears in good health. When you have a cold or allergy or sinus infection, this tube becomes clogged. When clogged, it is unable to regulate pressure in your ears. Your ears then begin to malfunction due to the abnormal pressures it is experiencing.
Camphor, menthol and eucalyptus, the active ingredients in Vicks can help your sinus cavities drain. When fluid begins to drain from your sinus cavities, they are filled with air again. Your Eustachian tube is then able to regulate pressure in your ears. When your ears begin to function like before, normally, problems like Tinnitus and muffled hearing and sometimes even balance problems all begin to quickly go away. Learn more about Vicks for Tinnitus here.
So, to conclude, please understand that Vicks should not be applied in your ears if you want Tinnitus relief. They only work if you have a cold or sinus infection and if your sinuses are blocked. Even then, it should be applied at the entrances of your nose so you can slowly inhale the active ingredients. You can also apply it on your chest as that will also allow for sustained inhalation over a period. Many people also dab it on their wrists and smell their wrist from time to time, to make sure they get the relief it can offer.