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Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia

Ever wondered that staying in a hospital may also bring disease to you. You may get infected due to microbes in the hospital. One of the illnesses is pneumonia. So today, we shall see what is hospital-acquired pneumonia and how is it spread?

Hospital-acquired pneumonia is the infection of your lungs, mainly occurring due to staying in a hospital. It may also include postoperative pneumonia. The patients who are not receiving mechanical ventilation may become susceptible to this type of pneumonia.

Hospital-acquired pneumonia is the most common cause of nosocomial infections and also a primary reason for deaths in intensive care units (ICUs)

There are many terms associated with Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP), which includes:

What Causes Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a familiar illness. Many different germs can cause pneumonia. But pneumonia that starts in the hospital tends to be more severe than other diseases of the lungs due to the following reasons:

Healthcare providers present in the hospital may also spread hospital-acquired pneumonia by carrying the germs responsible for pneumonia on their hands, instruments, or clothes from person to person. Therefore, it is advised to the healthcare providers to use alcohol-based sanitizers and wash hands often.

Those people can easily acquire pneumonia from the hospital which:


Usually, the most critical pathogens to spread hospital-acquired pneumonia areas:


In older adults, the first appearing symptoms of hospital-acquired pneumonia may be confusion or mental changes.

Some other symptoms are seen areas:


Your healthcare provider may prescribe you some medical tests if you are susceptible to hospital-acquired pneumonia. These may be:


After a successful diagnosis, your healthcare provider may suggest treatments which generally includes:


Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) can be prevented by following a set of precautions. The best way to stop the spread of hospital-acquired pneumonia is by:


Like regular pneumonia, hospital-acquired pneumonia is also dangerous and is not avoided. Therefore, we need complete guidance provided by an expert. If you are suspected of pneumonia, you should rush to a specialist who treats lung infections and disease as soon as possible. A pulmonologist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia and other lung problems. To consult the best pulmonologist in Karachi, visit MARHAM.PK.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- Is hospital-acquired pneumonia fatal?

Hospital-acquired pneumonia needs to be treated as soon as possible. If not, it can become severe and even fatal.

2- What is the incubation period of Hospital-acquired pneumonia?

Hospital-acquired pneumonia usually affects those people who stay in a hospital for at least 48 hours. So the incubation period usually is at least two days.

3- Is hospital-acquired pneumonia confused with Coronavirus?

Hospital-acquired pneumonia should not be confused with Coronavirus because other agents cause both lung illnesses. Therefore symptoms of hospital-acquired pneumonia and Coronavirus also vary.

4- Is hospital-acquired pneumonia contagious?

Microbes cause Hospital-acquired pneumonia; therefore, it is highly contagious and can be spread to one another when they contact.

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