September 8, 2024

Health is defined as a state in which the body and society are completely healthy and free from disease. These tests classify healthy people who may have the disease from those who do not. By early detection of selected diseases or conditions, systemic examinations are effective even if there are no symptoms or signs of the disease. Early detection of disease means receiving the right treatment at the right time, allowing patients to better control their health.

People under 30 years old are recommended to have a physical examination every two years. However, for people over 30 years old, it is strongly recommended to have a physical examination every year. For people over 50 years old, more age-related screenings will be conducted. Regular inspections can spot any early signs of health problems. Early detection of problems means you increase your chances of receiving effective treatment. Many factors, such as yourage, health, family history, and lifestyle choices, will affect how often you should get checked.

The following are tests for heart disease:

  • Blood pressure: If your blood pressure is normal, you are under 40 years old, and you do not have a family history of high blood pressure, check your blood pressure every two years. If you are over 40, your blood pressure is high, or you have a personal or family history of high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack, check once a year. Follow your doctor‘s advice.
  • Blood test: check blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, etc. High levels can indicate an increased risk for various health problems, including heart disease. If you are over 45, you should have these blood tests every five years. If you are at high risk for heart disease and have a family history, you should be screened every year starting at age 40.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): This is a painless, non-invasive medical test that detects abnormalities in the heart (heart) by measuring the electrical activity produced when the heart contracts.
  • Obesity test: Being overweight is a major risk factor for many health conditions, including

cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Ask your doctor to check your body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference every two years. If you are at higher risk, you should check your weight more often.

The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) uses chemicals to test the blood in a stool sample, which can be a sign of bowel cancer. If you are over 50, you should have this test every two years, and if you have a family history, you should have this test after age 40.

People at high risk for bowel cancer may need a colonoscopy every five years. In this test, the doctor inserts a thin instrument called a colonoscopy through the anus to visually inspect the rectum and large intestine for abnormalities.

In addition, diabetes tests will be done, and if patients need a history of high cholesterol and high vital signs, diabetes screenings may also be done. For sexually active people, it can be used as an STD test, especially if you have a sexual partner, it is strongly recommended to get an STD test. If you are sexually active, you should have a simple urine test every year between the ages of 15 and 29 for chlamydia. Chlamydia is very common and does not always have symptoms. If you are at risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases.

On the other hand, prostate adenocarcinoma was also checked. If men are obese, have high testosterone levels, and/or are over 50, they should be tested for prostate adenocarcinoma. Finally, colorectal cancer is strongly recommended for people over 50 years of age with inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal polyps, genetic mutations or birth defects.

Whole body examinations usually take longer than any other tests because they must pass through all the body’s systems. Early detection of diseases or illnesses helps prevent the development of chronic diseases. In addition, complications can be avoided through medical controls.