Studies show that obesity causes many serious infections, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. But are you aware that it is also associated with dental disease?
Severe obese conditions can aggravate disease such as gum infections. Obesity is also associated with other dental diseases, such as periodontal disease and dry mouth. This, in turn, affects the overall health of obese people.
The most vulnerable population to obesity is the younger generation; however, it can affect people of all ages. So it’s essential to observe a proper diet and regular exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Oral Health
Oral health is an essential part of the overall health of patients. Caring for the oral cavity denies a significant impact not only on the well-being of a person but also on his self-esteem.
The mouth is the “entrance gate” into the body, so changes in the organs and tissues of the oral cavity can be the first signals of a general health disorder of the patient.
Dental caries is a disease that occurs as a result of exposure to the dietary risk factor throughout life. Therefore, guidance on healthy eating, physical exercise, and general and oral hygiene are necessary items to improve the quality of life of this individual.
Obesity And Periodontal Disease
Obesity predisposes you to oral diseases such as dental erosion related to gastro-esophageal reflux, periodontal disease, dental caries, and dry mouth. Research shows that there’s a link between periodontal disease and obesity, and can present alarming values in obese patients indicated for bariatric surgery.
Periodontal disease is a pathological process of an inflammatory that affects periodontal tissues, such as the gums. It can also destroy the structures that support the teeth, and it’s the leading cause of total or partial loss of teeth in adults
The elaboration of a health care protocol, involving the oral health of obese people, is essential for the dentist to prevent, guide and treat, in addition to improving the quality of life of this population.
Obesity And Oral Hygiene
One of the most troubling aspects of the study is that the link between obesity and oral hygiene comes from a young age. The study showed that adolescents who fall into the category of overweight and obesity have a higher incidence of caries than those who have a healthy BMI.
Studies prove that a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates affects both oral hygiene and the level of obesity in children. Thus, proper nutrition is a vital component of the overall maintenance of oral health and body weight within normal limits.
Summing Up
Those who struggle with their weight and oral problems may have a connection in their diet. Although studies have not yet given a definite answer, monitoring the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates should help significantly in terms of weight loss and bacteria in the saliva.
The dentist has a primary role in raising awareness of obese patients about their quality of life, with a view of oral health. They should also educate the public on the value of regular dental check-ups.